

Help us Reach the Unreached

UNITE with US to Spread the Word

RUN Global is a best-kept secret in the realm of Christian missions. We’ve not kept it secret, truly, but word hasn’t gotten out as fast and far as it should.

We need your help to spread the news about what God is doing through RUN Global—reaching hundreds of thousands of people in unreached people groups in Asia, with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Please help us spread the news! There are many things you can do to help:

  1. Subscribe to our e-mails and e-newsletters
  2. When you receive an email from RUN Global, click “Forward to a friend” and send it to as many friends and family as you can!
  3. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at
  4. Ask your pastors or missions leaders to play one of our short videos in their church meetings and services (visit our YouTube Channel to see our RUN Global Videos online)
  5. Play our videos in your small groups or at the office or school
  6. Ask for RUN Global’s brochures to share with your church and even other churches
  7. Like us on Facebook –
  8. Follow us on Instagram –

By being informed about the great work that God is doing in difficult areas helps you to be an advocate and a voice so we can continue to increase this great work of God.

HELP us reach the unreached

Partner with us to share the Gospel with the billions of precious souls who have never heard of Jesus.