Teaching in Nepal

Dear partners in reaching the world,

Su and I have been traveling across Nepal encouraging the RUN Global teams and advising them in how to reach more people with the gospel.

Yesterday I taught in three new churches from Jude 1:23 “Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment.” Here we see the urgency of proclaiming the gospel passionately to as many as possible before it is too late. If a child was burning in a fire, you would not ask him politely to step out of the fire, you would snatch him out as fast as you could. Jesus said ‘Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in’ Luke 14:23. Compel means to urge forcefully or irresistibly. Listen to sermons of the great evangelists. They all urged and pleaded with sinners to come to Christ immediately. You can read Spurgeon’s urgent plea here by using your phone to scan the QR code below!

Su teaching our Kohalpur team

Our team members and their disciples report they are reaching 30,000 lost people every week and more are coming to Christ every day! Kiran led three to the Lord yesterday after church. (photo on the left).

Man Bahadur started a new church recently and baptized a new believer last Friday. He is the brother in blue with one arm.


Man Bahadur was run over by a military truck when he was a child and lost his left arm. He walks miles to reach people. If he had a scooter or motorbike he can drive with one hand he could reach a lot more people. Would you consider helping us get one for him? The cost in Nepal is near $3000.

Brother Tulbir takes a bicycle and goes many miles village to village to snatch people from the flames of judgment. He led six to Christ last year and seven already this year!

A few weeks ago brother Sagar led Sushila to the Lord and baptized her. But then her husband who works abroad threatened to divorce her saying, “Choose either me or Jesus.” His family is also threatening to take their two children away from her. This is the kind of abuse some new believers suffer for converting to Christ. Please pray for Sushila and her children.

Our Kohalpur team listening to Su teach!

Thank you so much for all you do to help us reach the lost!

Mike and Su Keator

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